Spiteful Ignominy

TV news channels are plagued by substandard reporting and erroneous coverage which is force-fed to the masses by being over burdened with a growing appetite for sensationalism to enthrall the audience. This, when unavailable is compensated with a dash of stale news from its antique treasure chest.

They have set a new precedent in rumour mongering. It is an absolute privilege to see them take pleasure in defaming cine stars, sports personalities or other prominent people. Their modus operandi is to elicit statements from people and incite quarrel. This is complemented by bringing out false allegations, morphing of pictures, breach of privacy, making mountains out of molehills and the like.

Their main motive, like any other business is profiteering. This is achieved by garnering more TRP. Debates among their select few panel of ‘experts’ is the main revenue generator. This gives way to flawed perception and misconstrued notions among the people. The tiff that is ensued among these incompetent ‘experts’ is spruced up by a distinct meddlesome behaviour by the anchor who is like the ringmaster in circus.

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