Delirious Growth

People around children always are on the verge of excitement. The almost attained delirium is ‘when is the child growing up?’ While most of the children make these ‘grown ups’ sad with the things going up as usual, the ‘bodily grown-ups’ always mutter a few words of dissatisfaction to these. The reason is ‘he is not growing up.’

The readers can judge these mutterers to be mature. But, let me offer a few revelations about them. They seem to think that only their version of growing up is right.

To be clear, every pervert individual thinks that ‘growing up’ is right according to him. For example, alcoholic perverts –however mild they may be– think that the moment the child drinks, he has grown up; lustful people think courting a girl makes him grown up; robbers think stealing the first goods makes him grown up. This can go on and on.

They are so obsessed with the child that they ‘help’ him with everything possible to grow up. Doesn’t this beg the question, ‘who is grown up? The child or the pervert? And more so, what makes him grown up? Is it the stature or the vices? I think the former is very applicable and anything else sounds lame.

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