Talk more, Pay more

People from the lower strata of society always conform to this kind of norm. Whenever their customers approach them, they keep eyes fixated on making big bucks. They cajole their clients into shelling out extra money for services through sweet talk. It is wise to say that such people are not satisfied  monetarily. Being insecure, they maliciously siphon off money from these.

As you approach them, it is very vivid as to where the plot is about to take you. They ask numerous questions and many of them give a vague hint of concern that is artificial. Some of these ‘businessmen’ are very good at counseling problems.

I can relate this mannerism to many taxi drivers, autorickshaw wallahs, barbers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians and more. Recently, a barber did this to me. He asked many things about my native, mother tongue, occupation and even hobbies. Needless to say, I ended up paying more.

What these people think is that they are very smart. When, in fact, the nature can be aptly termed as manipulative. The pleasant thing about the experience is that you become very benevolent and less irksome while paying. This is a very good strategy indeed.

But look more deeply. It begs the question- ethical? And even more, people view your conduct as distasteful. They even think about your upbringing. Thus, it comes across as very unpopular to people. So, strive for a virtuous life!