Talent Matters

When one sees the melee ensuing in the world for a name, many important aspects and intricacies are ignored. Among a lot of these things lost in the humdrum, one is the incisive effect of talent. It is a very strong word if one takes a close look at it. But, it is often nonchalantly ignored.

People respect a person with money, yes. But a very strong effect is produced with sheer talent. The effect can make even a sour and worrisome soul to bathe in the moment.

Such hallowed souls mean pure business and demand respect without demanding. People just make them king of their hearts, whereas money buys the spot. Earning is better than demanding which often leads to disrespectful gestures among ‘minnows’.

Respect should flow like a wild torrent. Massive success or charisma cannot be described more aptly.

God’s Dice

Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous- Albert Einstein

Nobody believes in coincidences. They can’t believe that something can be so entangled in time that the whole meaning of the action will be lost. If only people take time as a priority and base all the actions and reactions of people around, they can understand many things. All the connecting dots will produce a very vivid image.

For example, a person who is just a bit preoccupied with his business that does not matter to the acquaintance, he could be misunderstood. The accuser never can understand the priority attached to the action as it does not matter to him.

Like if taking the dog out by the family member could be interrupted by a work related phone call, he could be misunderstood to be negligent. The reason could be that a number of work-related calls are received. So, where is the priority attached to it. He is bluntly misunderstood. Alternatively, the importance of the call is not known to the accuser.

Such is the bane of coincidences. People can use it to fool others too.

Contrasting Imperfections

People always wonder what should be the mantra for a companionship. The answer is very simple. Every companionship- be it spouses, mother-son, father-son, friends and a lot more. All of this is based on a clear rule.

There should exist a contrasting imperfection in either of them. For example, if a better half or friend lacks a sense of humour, it should be supplied by the other half in its fullest. I mean, he should have a brim full of humour.

Another analogy is this: If a person is intelligent to the fullest, his partner should lack it to a great degree. It is very wise to say that the other person should feel the lacking greatly and admire the intellectual- the lacking should be visible. Such contrasting imperfection is very much essential in any companionship- say, marriage. This is the very thing seen in the partner.

With this, the journey will become all the more worthwhile. The persons complement each other and live a long time together. Isn’t it very wise to have a look at?

Delirious Growth

People around children always are on the verge of excitement. The almost attained delirium is ‘when is the child growing up?’ While most of the children make these ‘grown ups’ sad with the things going up as usual, the ‘bodily grown-ups’ always mutter a few words of dissatisfaction to these. The reason is ‘he is not growing up.’

The readers can judge these mutterers to be mature. But, let me offer a few revelations about them. They seem to think that only their version of growing up is right.

To be clear, every pervert individual thinks that ‘growing up’ is right according to him. For example, alcoholic perverts –however mild they may be– think that the moment the child drinks, he has grown up; lustful people think courting a girl makes him grown up; robbers think stealing the first goods makes him grown up. This can go on and on.

They are so obsessed with the child that they ‘help’ him with everything possible to grow up. Doesn’t this beg the question, ‘who is grown up? The child or the pervert? And more so, what makes him grown up? Is it the stature or the vices? I think the former is very applicable and anything else sounds lame.

An Employer’s Guide

As employers are very strict at picking up their leaders, here come across the mind a few traits to find in these. These are very important to look through in a person’s character. While other qualities seem artificial, these hit right on the bull’s eye.

Take a keen look at them.

  • A hate for sympathy These handpicked people should hate others showing sympathy to them even in hopeless situations. It is wise to see in them a quality that hates being portrayed as a lowly, ‘poor’ or wanting individual. Such people deserve the top spot because this reflects an undying spirit.
  • Having great comeback stories Their life should be full of grit and determination. An indomitable spirit could resolve any glaring difficulties at work. Stories such as rising out of a wheelchair or a hopeless difficulty can instill respect among peers. Some examples or such stories are Edison, Beethoven. Both were deaf. Louise Braille is good too.
  • Dreamy eyes Eyes say everything. People who see a silver lining in every dark cloud do fit the bill here. Dreams can be seen in eyes. This ability can sustain through demanding situations.
  • A pragmatic foresight A clear focus on things that can be achieved is good too. This unwavering mind can help a great deal. Panic should not be the word. This assessment is a pivotal part of the whole endeavour.

No one possessing all these qualities can falter. There is a very fat chance of probing this impossibility. Could they care much?

Talk more, Pay more

People from the lower strata of society always conform to this kind of norm. Whenever their customers approach them, they keep eyes fixated on making big bucks. They cajole their clients into shelling out extra money for services through sweet talk. It is wise to say that such people are not satisfied  monetarily. Being insecure, they maliciously siphon off money from these.

As you approach them, it is very vivid as to where the plot is about to take you. They ask numerous questions and many of them give a vague hint of concern that is artificial. Some of these ‘businessmen’ are very good at counseling problems.

I can relate this mannerism to many taxi drivers, autorickshaw wallahs, barbers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians and more. Recently, a barber did this to me. He asked many things about my native, mother tongue, occupation and even hobbies. Needless to say, I ended up paying more.

What these people think is that they are very smart. When, in fact, the nature can be aptly termed as manipulative. The pleasant thing about the experience is that you become very benevolent and less irksome while paying. This is a very good strategy indeed.

But look more deeply. It begs the question- ethical? And even more, people view your conduct as distasteful. They even think about your upbringing. Thus, it comes across as very unpopular to people. So, strive for a virtuous life!

Honour and Popularity

There is a vast difference between the above two words in many aspects. Honour is greater than popularity. The former (honour) is given to people for sacrifice and such, while the latter (popularity) is taken by a good strategy. Popularity has an ulterior motive- one that cares for oneself. Honour lasts very long for many people.

Let’s look at the different areas in which these words are used.

  • Honour is used for martyrs, people who have sacrificed and suffered for a cause. The examples are saints, soldiers, celebrities known for a cause, activists, freedom fighters and more. This word carries a lot of weight. They are super heroes, etched forever in people’s minds. These are worth emulating and warriors use this word in a lot of their endeavours.
  • Popularity is a bit less appealing than honour. Every celebrity known not to support a cause or inspire people falls into this category. There are a lot of them.

This is a true testimony that something bestowed (honour) is greater than something taken (popularity). Hence, it is wise to always seek honour more than popularity- never advertise yourself. A sacrifice generates more respect. Doesn’t it?

Wild Man

Man is not very different from animals. He has a lot in common with them and mimics most of them on a daily basis. There are numerous characters on God’s good earth that can be fairly compared with man. Let’s look at a few bad qualities man has adopted from animals, insects, birds and later have a look at the good qualities.

Bad qualities

 Here are some bad qualities: There are men who resemble a two-faced amphisbaena; slithering snakes disappearing into woods; lazy sloth; pestering bugs; tail-wagging dogs; color-changing chameleons; large-mouthed crocodiles devouring the flesh along with bones as in cash and valuables; fire-spewing dragons, always spewing insults; reputation-denting termites; wily foxes; loan sharks; web-spinning spiders who create controversies for people; flesh-eating moths; ravenous wolves hunting in packs; chattering monkeys; headstrong bulls and a lot more.

Fairly Good qualities

Some of the good qualities: Singing nightingales; coochie cooing lovebirds; peace-loving doves; faithful dogs; indignant lions and a lot more.

You can see that man is no different. He is at God’s good humour and very close to animals. The thing that is not compatible with them and him is socializing. He is a social animal.

Sharing and Caring

Many people in the world have very different tastes. Something that looks good to one as private, passes as not so private to the other. Many individuals who are not a people’s person, have inhibitions regarding the sharing of their belongings. They have a large subset of things labeled personal and are in no way interested to share them with their partners.

While others share everything with them, these people are very reclusive to this idea. They won’t part with things such as clothes, flash drives, favourite mugs, etc. But, this is in stark opposition to their fellowmen, who regard things more gravely personal such as dentures, toothbrushes, spectacles and etal as not worth sharing.

The former people mostly share things with a large part of their compatriots, just to keep themselves in their good books. While, they may be in their good books, the liberal attitude takes a backseat among their close family. Imagine, who wants to share ‘personal’ belongings with their kin, only to find later that they are lost by the borrower. The liberal friend of the borrower is hated for this.

The people with this mindset wherein there are no inhibitions in sharing, just want to please their friends and are dependent on them for the sake of fun. More the people they acquaint with, more is the fun and frolic expected. This is the very base of relationships prevalent in the society. But, company of friends should be kept after a lot of deliberation.

No one wants to have their secrets revealed in public because of a sour friendship. Do they?

The Absent Pride

People in their day-to-day lives mistakenly take a lot of other unrelated parameters to gauge pride. What they do is jump to conclusions regarding them and never even put a miniscule amount of effort into getting to the depth of the person’s character. A lot of these misconceptions can be cleared by just having a harmless chat with their victim. This willful ignorance is character assassination at its best.

Here are a few of the misconceptions that may hide a number of these listed perceptions of the victim.

  • Self-sufficiency Because of this, many people reject others company and is largely found in businesses and their dealings. For example, why would a person with a prestigious clientele want to accept incompetent offers? This will be harmful to the reputation of his business. He has got all the things needed to sustain him and can never want more. Needless to say, this is not pride.
  • Fear of bad company This fear becomes a barrier in healthy friendships. A friend of mine was rejected another’s company because the person thought of him as a ruffian. The misfit trait he found out was that my friend used first names to address his professors. This was not a gentlemanly conduct in the person’s eyes. So, he kept a distance from him. My friend took this deterrent for pride.
  • Indifference This quality largely effects a perception in many people. I was constantly taken for a haughty person by a relative because of never engaging in a talk with her. The truth was that I was wanting for her to make the first move and ignorant of this perception she developed. Gradually, at the behest of a family member, she made the first move and found me out to be a warm, gentle person. Obviously, I was not proud in this case.

These qualities are mistaken because of a lack of effort to know people. Putting to rest the doubts in their minds, people should soften their defenses inflicted by past wounds. These prejudices can result in otherwise courteous individuals’ character assassination. So, never judge a person without knowing him. The result would be a forfeited healthy relationship. Keep your hasty judgments in check.